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What’s the buzz about pollinator plantings?

Bees, butterflies, and other animal pollinators are responsible for bringing us one out of every three bites of food by traveling from plant to plant carrying pollen on their bodies to help plants reproduce. Pollinators are also essential components of the ecosystems that humans and many wild animals rely on for food and shelter. 

Pollinators are in decline due to habitat loss and degradation. Learn more about pollinator conservation at the xerces society website!

In an effort to provide more habitat for beneficial pollinators Lake County Conservation District (LCCD) resolved to 

start the ‘LCCD Pollinator Initiative’ in 2016. Learn more about the history of our Pollinator Initiative here! 

Since 2016 LCCD has helped 407 people plant 729.5 acres of diverse plant pollinator plots in Lake County. As well as hosted 40+ Pollinator Conservation Educational Events reaching over 2,500 youth and adults in our community. In addition to helping people in our county promote pollinators we have helped other counties start pollinator initiatives all over the state  If you are interested in helping the pollinators and planting a plot reserve your seed here. You may reserve your seed at any time but PLEASE NOTE: SEED IS ONLY AVALIABLE in the spring from April 1 – May 15 and again in the fall from October 1 – November 15 of each year.

What is the Pollinator Initiative?

Lake County Conservation District wants to create habitat for beneficial pollinators in our county. So we have designed multiple seed mixes complete with beautiful flower species specifically for Lake County. Now we need you to help us plant it! We will help you with preparation of your garden plot, planting the seeds, and provide the seed for FREE! PLEASE NOTE: SEED IS ONLY AVALIABLE in spring from April 1 – May 15 and again in the fall from October 1 – November 15.   Site preparation is required prior to planting with an expectation that the pollinator garden will be managed and tended to over time.  Our staff will assist you by providing expertise for site selection and planting.  Whether you are a backyard enthusiast or a large-scale agricultural producer, we’d love to work with you to improve pollinator habitat on your property.

LCCD’s Pollinator Initiative Goals:

1. Increase habitat by providing free pollinator seed mixes created for Lake County’s soils and climate.

2. Educate the community about the importance of pollinators.

3. Provide technical advice and support to community members on pollinator plantings.

Check out local pollinator plots using our seed mix!

Help us track how much pollinator habitat we have created together!

We need your help figuring out how much pollinator habitat we have created together! If you have planted a plot with LCCD’s pollinator seed Fill out this survey to put your plot on the map!  We take your privacy very seriously any sensitive information will remain private for data use only.

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