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406-747-0895 Join us every second Thursday at 6:30 PM for our regular board meeting

Each year Lake County Conservation District in partnership with The MSU Extension in Ronan and local agricultural producers host 4th Grade Ag Day. Local students from around the county come to learn about different aspects of the agricultural system in Western Montana. Below are pictures from stations in 2018’s 4th Grade Ag Day. There were 12 different stations where students learned about cattle, sheep, grains, chickens and so much more! The Lake County Conservation District also provides lunch for the students served up by board members and community volunteers.

2021 4th Grade Ag Days will be held on May 5th and 6th!

Due to the pandemic this year we will only hold 4th grade Ag Days for the students in Ronan but hope to be back at full capacity next year!




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